Wednesday, December 20, 2006

christmas is only a few days away

i just wanted to say that i have been super busy over the past few months. i bought a house and opened a hair salon with my wife. we both have a other jobs as well and kathryn even has a third job... things are super hectic in our world but i promise to keep this thing more current... as if you care.

Monday, September 25, 2006

i'm sick of christmas already!

for the love of all things good, no! say it ain't so! the guy in the office next to me is whistling to the tune of jingle bells and it's driving me crazy! i'm just not ready for the holiday season yet... it's september for fuck sake!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I might be gay!

That's right, i said it! I MIGHT BE GAY!!! Cause i can't stop looking at this guy on the left. He has a beautiful tatoo covering his entire chest, stomache, back and both sleeves. He's the younger brother in Prison Break which is one of my favorite tv shows right now! The problem is that now I want to get a huge design like this all over my upper body as well. It doesn't hurt that this chick on the right is also on the show.... maybe i ain't gay afterall?????

Monday, January 16, 2006

is it so wrong?

is it so wrong that i work at an engineering firm even when i don't agree with urban sprawl? if you ever get a chance check out the band Desaparecidos. they hit it on the nail when it comes to my view on urban growth.
here are some lyrics to their song Greater Omaha:
Greater Omaha
Well traffic's kind of bad. They're widening Easy St. to fit more S.U.V.s. They're planting baby trees to grow to shady peaks. A little shelter from the sun or the upper tax bracket. Here on the cul-de-sac, we are not giving back until the community repents. Cos we can't afford to be generous. There's closing costs and a narrow margin. So go earn your degree and we'll take you out to lunch. You can work for us but you gotta eat 'em all up.
Yeah one more mouthfull and we'll be happy then. One more mouthfull and we'll be happy then.
Out west they are moving dirt to make a greater Omaha. Another franchise sold so there are even more restaurants per capita. And they all have got a drive-thru, yeah who's got time to dine. Although the floor are clean and the colour scheme, it compliments me every time. So no one starves in this cattle town. The semis pass making squealing sounds. And it's ALL U CAN EAT and they'll never get enough. They'll be feeding us. They'll be feeding on us.
Just one more mouthfull and they will be happy then. Yeah one more mouthfull and they will be happy then.
All those golden fields, lovely empty space, They're building drug stores now until none remains. I've been driving now for 100 blocks, Saw 50 Kum and Go's, 60 parking lots.
One more mouthfull and they will be happy then.
Yeah one more mouthfull and they will be happy then.
One more, one more, one more -- One more. One more, one more -- Yeah one more, One more, one more, one more Just one more. Just one more. Just one more.

am i a hypocrite?

Monday, December 19, 2005

jolly this!

tis the season to be jolly.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

who cares... really?

i just wanted to say that i have read a few blogs lately and i'm really getting sick of how they come across. i mean, it's allll about you isn't it? it kind of makes me sick to see how self-centered people can be. whatever happened to wanting to help others? what happened to that whole, "spread the good vibe" thing? i guess some people like to just rant about their shitty lives and think that by releasing this negative energy into the world is gonna help. however, my theory is that if you work on helping others and making your friends and family feel better along with yourself (and not only yourself) things will come around for you. it's a little bit of "what goes around comes around", "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", and kharma all rolled into one package. get over yourself and things won't seem so bleek.

thank you.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

is it a tiff?

is it a tiff (or a little fight) if one person just states there complaint and the other person just blows it off, again and again and again and again etc etc etc etc????